Get started by choosing an analysis, exploring data, or opening a Triola Statistics data set from the menus above. Statdisk is designed for users of the Triola Statistics Series textbooks, published by Pearson Education.
Paste the data to the Sample Editor by using Ctrl+v (Windows) or Command+v (macOS). More Sample Editor tips.Statdisk is to be used only by users of Triola textbooks. Educational institutions using any current Triola Statistics Textbook are free to install this software on lab, library, or other institutionally-administered computers.
The software is provided "as is" and "with all faults". Triola Stats (collectively the authors) make no representations or warranties of any kind concerning the quality, safety or suitability of the software, either express or implied. Further, the authors make no representations or warranties as to the truth, accuracy or completeness of any statements, information or materials concerning the software. In no event will the authors be liable for any indirect, punitive, special, incidental or consequential damages however they may arise even if the authors have been previously advised of the possibility of such damages.
Pasting Data
Ensure you copy data from a compatible spreadsheet like Excel or Google Sheets. To paste data, you must use Control+v on Windows or Command+v on macOS.
Loading a Triola Statistics Data Set
Use the Data Sets menu to select your data. The Sample Editor contents will be replaced by your chosen set.
Uploading your own data
You can upload data from text or csv files that are tab, comma, or space delimited data.
Note: these data are only uploaded to your browser, not to If you close your browser window, or refresh the page, you will clear the Editor and need to re-upload your data set.
Saving Data
If the Sample Editor contains 10,000 rows of data or fewer, it will auto-save the data in your browser. Auto-saved data is only available within the same browser and only if your browser has permission to store data locally.
To download the Sample Editor to a file (.csv or .xlsx), click the Download Data link above the Sample Editor.
Copying Data
Select the data you want to copy and either use Control+c on Windows or Command+c on macOS; or alternative right-click and use the 'copy' item from the menu. To copy the entire editor contents, use the Copy All button above the editor.
Clearing the Editor
Click the Clear button to reset the Sample Editor.
Statdisk 13 was released in 2017 and may not be compatible with modern versions of Windows. Use this web-based version of Statdisk - - instead. Statdisk Online is being actively developed, has new data sets, and will also work on all of your devices (including tablets and Chromebooks).
Statdisk 13 (2017) is compatible with Windows 7, 8.1, and 10.Release | Version | Systems | Developer |
02/1986 | 1 | DOS 3.1 or later | Triola, Flynn |
10/1991 | 1 | MacOS 7+ | Triola, Flynn |
02/1991 | 3 | DOS 3.1 or later | Triola, Flynn |
08/1994 | 4 | DOS 3.1 or later | Triola, Flynn, Consulting developer |
5 | DOS 3.1 or later | Consulting developer | |
05/1997 | 7 | DOS 3.1 or later | Consulting developer |
05/1997 | 7.011 | DOS 3.1 or later | Consulting developer |
06/2000 | 8 | MacOS 7+ | Consulting developer |
8.2 | Java for Mac and PC | Consulting developer | |
10/2002 | 9.1 | Windows 98, 2k, XP | Consulting developer |
10/2004 | 9.5.2 | MacOS 9, OSX | Triola Statistics |
10/2004 | 9.5.2 | Windows 98, 2k, XP | Triola Statistics |
08/2005 | 9.6.1 | Windows 98, 2k, XP, OSX | Triola Statistics |
08/2005 | 9.6.2 | Windows 98, 2k, XP | Triola Statistics |
11/2005 | 10.1.0 | Windows 2k, XP (SP2), OSX | Triola Statistics |
02/2006 | 10.3.0 | Windows 98, 2k, XP, OSX, MacOS9 | Triola Statistics |
10/2006 | 10.4.0 | Windows 98, 2k, XP, OSX | Triola Statistics |
11/2008 | 11.0.1 | Windows 2k, XP, OSX | Triola Statistics |
9/2010 | 11.1.0 | Windows 2k, XP, 7, OSX | Triola Statistics |
1/2013 | 12.0.0 | Windows XP, 7, 8, OSX | Triola Statistics |
2/12/2013 | 12.0.1 | Windows XP, 7, 8, OSX | Triola Statistics |
4/28/2013 | 12.0.2 | Windows XP, 7, 8, OSX | Triola Statistics |
1/2016 | 13.0.0 Beta | Windows 7, 8, 10, OSX | Triola Statistics |
1/1/2017 | 13.0.0 | Windows, macOS | Triola Statistics |
1/28/2017 | 13.0.1 | Windows, macOS | Triola Statistics |
05/2018 | | Web - all devices | Triola Statistics |
12/2020 | 14 | Web - all devices | Triola Statistics |